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Heinz Zemanek Award 2024: Quantum computing and IT Security


Heinz Zemanek Award 2024: Quantum computing and IT Security

Lukas Burgholzer (Upper Austria) and Martin Schwarzl (Styria) won the Heinz Zemanek Award 2024. The Austrian Computer Society OCG awards the Heinz Zemanek Award for the promotion of informatics and related areas. The prize is awarded every other year for excellent dissertations in these fields.

Press release

The winners  for the Heinz Zemanek Award were chosen by jury of 19 professors, headed by  Stefan Szeider (TU Wien), at the final hearing on 16 May 2024. There were 7 contenders for the award.

The award ceremony took place on 14 June at the Austrian Computer Science Day.

Die Gewinner des Heinz Zemanek Preises 2024: Lukas Burgholzer und Martin Schwarzl mit Jury-Vorsitzenden Stefan Szeider in der OCG
Lukas Burgholzer and Martin Schwarzl with jury chairman Stefan Szeider.
Gruppenfoto beim Hearing für den Heinz Zemanek Preis mit den sieben Kandidat*innen und den Jury-Mitgliedern im Heinz Zemanek Saal der OCG
Final hearing for the Heinz Zemanek Award in the traditional Heinz Zemanek Hall at the OCG. statt. Stefan Szeider (right), Edgar Weippl (second from right), Claudia Plant (third from right), Nikolaus Augsten (second row, sixth from right) and Gustaf Neumann (left) represented the jury in situ, the other jury members participated in the hearing remote.

List of finalists: 

  • Lukas Burgholzer: Design Automation Tools and Software for Quantum Computing, Betreuer: Robert Wille, Johannes Kepler Universität  Linz
  • Martin Schwarzl: Remote Side‐Channel Attacks and Defenses, Betreuer: Daniel Gruss, TU Graz
  • Anna Rapberger: Unpacking The Argument: A Claim‐Centric View On Abstract Argumentation, Betreuer: Stefan Woltran, TU Wien
  • Alice Tarzariol: Learning Efficient Constraints in Answer Set Programming, Betreuer: Martin Gebser, Uni Klagenfurt
  • Djordje Zikelic: Automated Verification and Control of Infinite State Stochastic System, Betreuer: Krishnendu Chatterjee, ISTA
  • Florian Lukas: Graf Geometrical and Topological Aspects of Learning with Neural Networks , Betreuer: Roland Kwitt, PLUS Salzburg
  • Lukas Miklautz: Prototype‐based Representation Learning with Deep Clustering, Betreuerin: Claudia Plant, Universität Wien

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