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The non-profit association

The Association

The Austrian Computer Society (OCG) is a non-profit association for the promotion of information technology with due regard to the interaction with people and society.

The association acts as an interdisciplinary forum for the latest IT topics, it is an important and respected dialogue partner and has thematic leadership for socio-political IT topics.

As networking forum the OCG is a competent and reliable partner in projects and in event organization, promoting the relationship between science and business. It offers standardised, independent and high-quality IT education and training, thus building an important bridge to the working world.


OCG members are the heart of the non-profit association which relies on honorary engagement of its funcionaries. The OCG Executive Board consists of the following bodies:

  • Steering Committee
  • Extended Steering Committee
  • Representatives of Individual Members
  • Representatives of Institutional Members
  • Representatives of Affiliated Member Associations
  • Auditor (Observer status)

The OCG brings the benefits of information and communication to all people thus contributing to the positive development of our society.

As modern service provider we strengthen the innovative power of Austria by offering valuable expertise through our networks and events, by setting and securing standards, by developing trend analyses for the economy and relevant target groups and by supplying significant input for education, research and development.

Mission Statement

Our members

The OCG has members in the world of economics, research, education and academia as well as in public administration.

In addition to Individual Membership we welcome companies, institutions and organisations to become juridical members (depending on their legal form either Institutional or Juridical Membership; Supporting Membership is possible under certain conditions). 

The General Assembly can bestow Honorary Membership for outstanding services.


History of the OCG

After many years of preparation the OCG held its first meeting on 4 March 1975. The Austrian computer pioneer Heinz Zemanek (left in the picture) and Norbert Rozsenich (right in the picture) were two of the most distinguished founders of the association.

Highlights of OCG history