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Highlights of OCG History

The OCG was founded on 4 March 1975.

Austria's computer pioneer Heinz Zemanek was the driving force behind the establishment of the Austrian Computer Society OCG. The main goal is the promotion of information technology with due regard to the interaction with people and society.


Relaunch der Website

Die Webpräsenz der OCG erhielt einen umfassenden Relaunch. Auch wurde komplett erneuert.

All Digital Weeks

The OCG becomes partner of All Digital Weeks, an EU initiative to enhance digital skills in Europe.



25th Anniversary ICDL/ECDL

Our first major live event after the Covid-19 pandemia  - a celebration of 25 years European Computer Driving Licence. Partners from adult education and schools discussed the achievements and future of ICDL/ECDL.


The European project becomes international: The European Computer Driving Licence ECDL becomes the International Certification of Digital Literacy ICDL. 



We are QuaSte - ECDL at School - Zemanek Lecture

The Ministry of the Interior accredited the OCG as Qualifizierte Stelle (QuaSte) according to the NIS Act.

The OCG takes over all ECDL activities on Austrian schools as of the academic year 2020/21

Launch of Heinz Zemanek Lectures in honour to the founder of the association on the occation of his 100th birthday.

New Research Institute

Foundation of the interdisciplinary research institute for digital transformation (IFDIT) to establish the platform Digital Champions Network (DCN)



Zivildienst in the OCG

The first Zivildiener (conscientious objector) starts his mandatory alternative service in the OCG an. He mainly supports the innovation team in projects related to kids and young adults.

HR Digital

Launch of conference series HR Digital



OCG cares | Bildung 4.0

Start of the initiative Bildung 4.0 with VÖSI, Digital City Wien, ICT Austria and the Swiss Informatics Society

Start of the CSR-project OCG Cares


Launch of WIZIK - Vienna wizard school of informatics



GI Dissertationspreis goes to Austria

The OCG supports the GI Dissertationspreis, thus students from Austrian universities may also participate in this contest. In 2014 the first Austrian Markus Steinberger, TU Graz, wins the award for Dynamic Resource Scheduling on Graphics Processors.

Security Certification ISO/IEC 27001

The BMWFJ (Ministry of Science) accredits the OCG as Certification Body for  ISO/IEC 27001.



DACH Conference on Energy Informatics

The OCG Working Group Energie-Informatik is founded and henceforth the OCG participates in the conference series DACH Conference on Energy Informatics.

The new event sercies OCG Horizonte dealing with IT topics and trends is launched.

300,000th ECDL Certificate in Austria

In a press conference the 300,000th ECDL candidate in Austria, Marija Milosavljevic (then apprentice with the Wiener Stadtwerke) is presented.



90th Anniversary Celebration for Heinz Zemanek

In co-operation with the TMW and the TU Wien the OCG organised a birthday celebration for the 90th birthday of Heinz Zemanek in TMW (Vienna Museum of Science and Technology) on 10 March 2010.

International Conferences

The OCG brings major international IT conferences to Vienna: In 2009 the OCG organises the 9. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik in cooperation with the Universty of Vienna and the first AAL-Forum (1st Forum for Ambient Assisted Living, Innovative ICT Solutions for Elderly People) in co-operation with the Ministry of Technology (BMVIT).



OCG Incentive Award FH

To promote students from univiersities of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) the OCG Incentive Award FH is introduced. Patricia Derler, FH Oberösterreich, Hagenberg, and Günther Lanner, FH Kufstein, share the first award.

International Conferences

Again the OCG brought two major conferences to Vienna:

  • VLDB (33th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases) and
  • ISMIR (8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval)



Bebras International Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking

The OCG introduces the Bebras Challenge, an international initiative aiming to promote Informatics (Computer Science, or Computing) and computational thinking among school students at all ages, on Austrian schools.

30 Years OCG

The Annual General Meeting 2005 marks 30 years OCG.



Competence Circle | Creative Commons

The OCG becomes national partner of Creative Commons Austria.

First lecture of the event series Competence Circle. Competence Circle is a networking event, targeting CEOs of IT Management.

Citizen Card (Bürgerkarte)

To promote the introduction of the digital signature the OCG issues OCG member cards with signature functionality.



Fist e|GOV Day

The e|Gov Days determine the current state of e-government.


Launch of the IT initiative IT4her for girls and women




Kick-off event of the initiative AT21 (Austrian IT initiative for the 21st century)

TEC Initiative

Launch of the TEC initiative (Tomorrow's Experts in Computing)



IFIP'98 Computer World Congress Vienna - Budapest

Organisation of the IFIP'98 Computer World Congress in Vienna and Budapest in co-operation with the Hungarian Computer Society (NJSZT)

ECDL in Austria

The OCG joins the ECDL Foundation and introduces the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) in Austria.



GI Meetin in Klagenfurt, Carinthia

We welcome our German sister society in Austria: The GI Annual Meeting Informatik '96 is held in co-operation with the OCG in Klagenfurt, Carinthia.

OCG goes online

Launch of the OCG internet servers (web server, mail server, ftp server) under the domain



International Olympiad in Informatics

Austria participates in the IOI for the fist time. The IOI 1992 takes place in Germany.

Austrian team:

  • Parick Awart
  • Fabian Enzinger
  • Christian Meisl
  • Michael Praschl

Christian Meisl wins a bronze medal.


Accessibility in ICT has always been a key topic in the OCG: The ICCHP (International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons) is held for the first time. It has become one of the major conferences on this topic.



OCG Incentive Award

The OCG Incentive Award to promote informatics and business informatics is introduced. The first award goes to Heinz Kantz for Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse von PMS (Processor-Memory-Switch) Strukturen in SHARPE.

Heinz Zemanek Award

The Heinz Zemanek Award for excellent degree dissertations in the field of informatics and related areas is introduced. The first award goes to Alfred Kobsa for Benutzermodelle für Dialogsysteme.

Screenshot: Pressemitteilung zur Verleihung des ersten Heinz Zemanek Preises



New Working Group

the Working Group Verwaltungsinformatik (informatics in administration) - today Forum e|Government - is founded in co-operation with the sister society ADV.

Branch Association in Graz, Styria

The OCG, the Austrian pioneer in informatics Hermann Maurer and the Hungerian sister society (NJSZT) jointly found the branch association Forschungsinstitut für Angewandte Informationsverarbeitung in Graz, Styria.



New OCG Office: Wollzeile

The OCG moves into the office of the Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Rechenzentrums in the first district, Wollzeile 1., where we still have our office.

Programming Competition for Young People

The IFIP launches the first international programming competition for young people and the OCG organises the Austrian national competition. A microcomputer and the participation in the orld Conference on Computers in Education in Lausanne are the attractive prizes for the winners.

Grafik zum ersten Jugend-Programmier-Wettbewerb

This event developed into the Jugend Informatik Wettbewerb of the OCG. 



Privacy Law

Very early the OCG realizes the importance of privacy: The OCG publishes a statement on the new Austrian Privacy Law together with dedicated members. 

The OCG moves into its first office in the 9th Viennese district, Garnisongasse.

OCG Book Series

The fist volume of the OCG Schriftenreihe (book series) is published. In the booklet below Austrian ICT news papers are listed, a very useful service in pre-internet days.

Cover: Band 1 der OCG Schriftenreihe



Honorary Member Heinz Zemanek

Founding member Heinz Zemanek moves to Germany due to career reasons and steps down as OCG president. The Annual General Meeting appoints him first Honorary Member. Zemanek remains closely connected to the OCG until his death in 2014.

Foundation of the OCG

After many years of preparatory work the inaugural General Assembly was convened on 4 March 1975. One of the founders of the OCG is Austria's computer pioneer Heinz Zemanek.

Konstituierende Generalversammlung der OCG
Inaugural meeting of the OCG, left Heinz Zemanek, right Norbert Roszenich
(photo: private)


OCG Presidents

  • seit 2024      Dipl. Ing. Wilfried Seyruck
  • 2023 - 2024 Dr. Thomas Mück
  • 2017 - 2023 Dipl. Ing. Wilfried Seyruck
  • 2015 - 2017 Mag. Markus Klemen
  • 2011 - 2015 Mag. Reinhard Goebl
  • 2007 - 2011 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerald Futschek
  • 2003 - 2007 Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Gabriele Kotsis
  • 1999 - 2003 Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. A Min Tjoa
  • 1993 - 1999 Univ.-Doz. DI Dr. Veith Risak
  • 1989 - 1993 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günter Haring
  • 1989 Prof. Fritz Neeb (geschäftsführender Präsident)
  • 1988 - 1989 Obersenatsrat Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Lucian Koloseus
  • 1988 Dipl.-Ing. Peter Brodesser (geschäftsführender Präsident)
  • 1985 - 1987 Dipl.-Ing. Peter Knezu
  • 1981 - 1985, 1987 Sektionschef Dr. Norbert Rozsenich
  • 1976 - 1981 Hon.-Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Frank
  • 1975 - 1976 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Zemanek