International Olympiad in Informatics: Participants have been announced
The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is the largest international programming competition for pupils. More than 300 pupils from over 80 different countries around the world take part in this annual competition. Each country is allowed to send a maximum of four pupils to this competition who are selected in national competitions.
The national competition was won by Martin Bierbaumer (HTL Wien Rennweg), followed by Matthias Pleschinger (Herz Jesu Missionare Gymnasium Salzburg), Nik Sauer (HTL Wien Rennweg) and Raphael Heuchl (BG/BRG Oberschützen).
The Austrian contestants will take part in the IOI from September 1 to 8, 2024 in Alexandria, Egypt.

Prior to the IOI other competitions will take place: At the TU Wien training camp Uliana Malaniak, Benjamin Aster, Julian Hessenberger, Julian Mejatsch and Leo Pichlbauer qualified for the Central European Olympiad in Informatics (CEOI) :

Uliana Malanyak will also take part in the European Girls´ Olympiad in Informatics (EGOI) in the Netherlands together with Carolin Wester in July 2024.

Congratulations and best wishes to all contestants!