CEEE|Gov Days 2024
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Ludovika University of Public Service, Budapest
The CEEE|Gov Days 2024 are dedicated to all aspects of Public Sector ICT, however, every year a special topic is chosen, which also dominates keynotes and panel discussion. This year we decided that that it was time to address IT applications in agriculture, an oft-forgotten, yet crucial part in present-day farming. We would identify two main areas:
- The usage of eGov services in agriculture to ensure compliance with government (EU) grant schemes, sustainability goals and food security.
- The usage of IT in promoting a more resource-efficient and healthy agriculture, such as Smart Farming to, for instance, minimize the usage of pesticides or Precision Farming to precisely adapt farming methods to real-time needs. This also includes highly computerized farming concepts, such as urban farming.
The conference addresses public sector practitioners and policy makers, industry professionals and academia alike. The disciplines covered are primarily information sciences, law and administrative science, political science, sociology and economics. Theoretical and empirical contributions are equally welcome. We especially encourage submissions addressing the European Union in general, the Danube Region, the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Beyond the general theme, papers are solicited in all areas of applying ICT to the Public Sector. The conference will particularly focus on, but not limit itself to, the following topics:
- Electronic Administration services both back office and in communication with the citizen,
- Identity management for individuals,
- Privacy and data protection (including Cyber Security),
- eDemocracy on all levels (e.g., new forms of citizen participation, internet in political campaigns, eVoting),
- The role of the internet in revolutions and in transition processes,
- Transparency and anti-corruption,
- eTools to help establish a European public space,
- Open Data,
- Public transport and public organization of mobility
- Legal aspects of eGovernment and eDemocracy,
- Economic and social impact of eGovernment and eDemocracy,
- Enabling the Digital Single Market
The conference language will be English only. Papers will be subjected to a double-blind review process and published at ICPS.