The OCG awards the OCG Incentive Award annually to promote informatics and business informatics. The prize is awarded for outstanding master theses in the field of computer science, business informatics and their applications. The prize is endowed with 2,000 euros.
Target group
All students writing their degree theses in the field of informatics and business informatics.
To compete for the award, the student will sumbit their thesis and documents (CV, bibliography, abstract) via Easy Chair by the end of the respective deadline. It is not possible to extend the submission deadline.
The submitted thesis must have been approbated at an Austrian university within the last two years (calculated from the submission deadline) and must have been marked "Sehr gut". The thesis can only be submitted once; a re-submission in the following year is not possible. The submitted documents remain with the Austrian Computer Society.
- Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kotsis (Vorsitz)
- Univ. Prof. Dr. Ruth BREU
- Univ. Prof. Dr. Jürgen CITO
- Univ. Prof. Dr. Martin HITZ
- Univ. Prof. Dr. Sascha HUNOLD
- Univ. Prof. Dr. Gustaf NEUMANN
- Univ. Prof. Dr. Andreas UHL
- Univ. Prof. Dr. Franz WOTAWA
- Univ. Prof. Dr. Uwe ZDUN
Call 2024
The call is closed.
Sandra Pillis
+ 43 664 886 74 870
Hall of Fame
Alle Preisträger*innen des OCG Förderpreises
Esra Ceylan
Optimal Seat Arrangement: Structure, Algorithms, and Complexity
TU Wien
Lukas Stracke
Test Suite Reduction with Checked Coverage
TU Graz
Fabio Francisco Oberweger
A Learning Large Neighborhood Search for the Staff Rerostering Problem
TU Wien
Theresa Neubauer
Volumetric Tumor Segmentaion on Multimodal Medical Images using Deep Learning
Universität Wien
Martin Plattner
Generalizing BlockSci to Cross-Chain Analses of Forked Ledgers
Universität Innsbruck
keine Preisvergabe
Aufgrund der Covid-19-Pandemie wurde 2021 kein Preis ausgeschrieben
Nicolas Grossmann
Pelvis Runner
TU Wien
Roland Perko
Mapping with Pléiades
TU Graz
Philipp Frauenthaler
A Framework for Blockchain Interoperability and Runtime Selection
TU Wien
Adam Celarek
Adaptively Clustered Reflective Shadow Maps
TU Wien
Christoph Weinzierl-Heigl
Quantifying the Convergence of Light-Transport Algorithms
TU Wien
Andreas Grimmer
A Program Analysis Tool Chain for Programmable Logic Controller Programs
JKU Linz
Christian Humer
Truffle DSL: A DSL for Buildung Self-Optimizing AST Interpreters
JKU Linz
Sebastian Neumaier
Open Data Quality - Assessment and Evolution of (Meta-)Data Quality in the Open Data Landscape
TU Wien
Christian Freude
Extending Separable Subsurface Scattering to Arbitrary Materials
TU Wien
Robert Bill
Towards Software Model Checking in the Context of Model-Driven Engineering
TU Wien
Harald Beck
Inconsistency Management for Traffic Regulations
TU Wien
Johannes Sorger
neuroMap - Interactive Graph-Visualization of the Fruit Fly’s Neural Circuit
Michael Morak
dynASP - A Dynamic Programming-based Answer Set Programming Solver
TU Wien
Sebastian Grabmeyer
Formalization of the Operation Recorder based on Graph Transformation Theory
TU Wien
Bernd Hirschler
Secure Stack for Clocks Synchronized by IEEE 1588
TU Wien
Ernst Schwartz
Measuring the effects of aortic branch transposition onto the vessel dynamics of the Aorta
TU Wien
Dietmar Schabus
Interpolation of Austrian German and Viennese Dialect/Sociolect in HMM-based Speech Synthesis
TU Wien
Thomas Krennwallner
Integration of Conjunctive Queries over Description Logics into HEX-Programs
TU Wien
Daniela Pohl
Specification Comprehension Konzeptverwaltung am Beispiel zustandsbasierter Spezifikation
Uni Klagenfurt
Andrei Grecu
Musical Instrument Separation
TU Wien
Maria Magdalena Ortiz de la Fuente
Abfragebeantwortung in ausdrucksstarken Beschreibungslogiken
TU Wien
Thomas Reiter
Transformation of Web Service Specification Languages into UML Activity Diagrams
JKU Linz
Christian Wimmer
Linear Scan Register Allocation for the Java HotSpotTM Client Compiler
JKU Linz
Ingomar Wenzel
Principles of Timing Anomalies in Superscalar Processor
TU Wien
Werner M. Dietl
Improving the Security of Wavelet-based Watermarking Systems
Uni Salzburg
Martin Lackner
Extending Java: Die Erweiterung der Programmier-sprache Java mit der Unterstützung von "Design by Contrast" und generischen Typen
TU Wien
Axel Polleres
The DLVKSystem for Planning with Incomplete Knowledge
TU Wien
Stefan Woltran
A Framework for Solving Advanced Reasoning Tasks
TU Wien
Christian Schallhart
Application of Approximation Theory to Succinct Data Representative -
TU Wien
Markus Grabner
Multiresolution based on View-Dependent Progressive Meshes
TU Graz
Franz Franchetti
Short Vector FFTs
TU Wien
Patrick Huber
Workflow in der Softwareentwicklung
TU Graz
Gerhard Kramler
TriGS-Debugger - Ein Debugger für das aktive objektorientierte Datenbanksystem TriGS
JKU Linz
Gerald Bachmaier
Online Überwachung von technischen Prozessen über Internet
TU Graz
Thomas Kucera
Visualisierung von lokalen Eigenschaften eines dreidimensionalen, dynamischen, hyperbolischen Systems mit Hilfe von Poincaré Sections
TU Wien
Alexander Wilkie
Hierarchical Stochastic Radiosity
TU Wien
Harald Nekvasil
Realisierung eines Workflow-Management-Systems mit aktiven Datenbanken
Theoderich Kopetzky
JAL - Definition und Implementierung einer portablen Programmiersprache
JKU Linz
Hans Wolfgang Loidl
A Parallelizing Compiler for the Functional Programming Language EVE
JKU Linz
Gabriele Kotsis
Interconnection Topologies and Touting for Parallel Processing Systems
Uni Wien
Wolfgang Schreiner
Adam&Eve - An Abstract Dataflow Machine and its Programming Language
Christian Mannes
Sequentielle konnektionistische Verarbeitung: Detektoren für spatiotemporale Muster
Uni Wien
Herwig Mayr
FAAST - Fully Automatic Area Stamping (Vollautomatisches Stanzen)
JKU Linz
Heinz Kantz
Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse von PMS (Processor-Memory-Switch) Strukturen in SHARPE