COMputational and Entrepreneurship THINKing And Green Agenda INnovations
In this research project, a standardized educational system for computational thinking, entrepreneurship and sustainability is being developed and tested for vocational and higher education.
ComeThinkAgain aims to promote skills in the areas of
- Computational Thinking (CT) and digital skills,
- Entrepreneurship Education (EE) and innovative skills as well as
- green skills, environmental and social responsibility and sustainable development.
As part of the project, pilot projects are being carried out in Austria, Germany, Estonia, Denmark and Switzerland with around 300 learners at various universities and vocational training institutions.

Goals and tasks
The aim of the project is to promote computational thinking, entrepreneurial skills and innovation in order to improve employability, creativity and new career paths of learners in higher education (with a focus on the teaching profession), vocational education and training and training in enterprises.
The outcome of the project will be a micro-certification based education and training system called "ComeThinkAgain-CETS", offering micro-modules for the following target groups: primary, secondary and vocational schools as well as vocational training providers. The learning materials and documents will be published under an open license (CC-BY).
Project partners
- Coordination: Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
- Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG)
- Mercantec (Dänemark)
- Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich (Schweiz)
- Gesellschaft für Informatik (Deutschland)
- University of Tartu (Estland)
- Inmark Europe (Spanien)
- Konnektable Technologies (Irland)
- The Square Dot Team (Belgien)
- University of Oulu (Finnland)
Project duration
April 2024 to March 2027
Supported by EU Erasmus+ funds

DI Dr. Martin Kandlhofer
+43 664 886 74 862